Thanksgiving, the biggest holiday leading us into Christmas; pumpkin pies with whipped cream, turkey with all the trimmings, but best of all the family was celebrating together at our home. And we usually invited good friends to share the turkey and the day. We dressed up for Thanksgiving Day. It was very special when Mother got out the good dishes, her china and the good silverware reserved for holidays and special events. We always had pumpkin pie made from fresh pumpkin, topped with real whipped cream. No television blaring, possibly a statically radio brought remnants of a football game, turned on only if a guest asked to hear a game between Texas A & M and University of Texas. And I knew my father endured it silently for he hated football!
Since we had three big pecan trees, we had an ample supply, so we also had pecan pie. Fall was a time for shelling pecans, picking out the pieces and putting them away for Christmas cooking. I never bought a pecan pie until I was grown and married. And even then, my parents always included a coffee can of shelled pecans in a Christmas box.
The golden leaves and red ones, too, fell rapidly after our first freeze. Soon the trees were bare, waiting for winter, and a beautiful season was ending.